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D&D - 4ième édition Dernière nouvelle et discussion sur la 4ième édition de D&D prévue pour mai 2008

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Vieux 2008-02-06, 16h04   #1
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
Avatar de MoonZar
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
4th Edition - Les Prestiges Classes sont remplacés par un autre concept

Will there be prestige classes? "There will be functionality equivalent to that."
  • Prestige Classes: Gone. There are replaced by Paragon paths (Levels 11-20) and Epic Paths (21-30). These paths will include new abilities characters of the appropriate classes can select, and some are taken from the old prestige classes (mystic adept, arcane archer, and weapon masters are mentioned, as are some new options like Prince of Knaves). Epic Paths also have something to do with the character’s destiny, and also open up new powerful abilities.
  • The paragon path and epic destiny thing - PrC's are gone completely. You pick up your paragon path at 11th level, and your epic destiny at 21st level. You get those abilities as you level up in addition to your main class stuff, not instead of. Some look like old PrCs, and weapon master, prince of knaves and cavalier mentioned. There are currently 12 PPs and "fewer" EDs. The EDs give big benefits and are things like being the right hand man to a god, undying warrior or calling dragons with a wave of your hand.
  • Power progression from Races & Classes: "There is 2 or so pages on tiers of power (heroic, paragon and epic). The important part is the paragon paths and epic destinies. They replace prestige classes. They are additional power/abilities, that you can choose once you hit 11th or 21st level. They are very much like prestige classes and battle captain, mystic theurge, weapon master, prince of knaves and cavalier are mentioned....Epic destiny gives few but very powerful ability. Also it describes how you exit the world (seem like at level 30 you retire). You can become a demigod for example.Epic level game is much about slaying gods and clearing the Nine Hell. In the cleric section they muse about gods being redesigned, and one of their goals is, that they can be challenged by epic level characters."
  • Rich Baker mentions the Bladesinger and Battlerager as future paragon paths: "Yes, we'll definitely pick up bladesingers quick. Paragon paths seem like the right way to go there. I don't think anyone's earmarked the battlerager yet, but I imagine you'll see it down the road."

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Vieux 2008-02-07, 09h37   #2
Homme libre
Avatar de Ekiel
Date d'inscription: février 2008
Localisation: Ville de Québec
Messages: 23
Re : 4th Edition - Les Prestiges Classes sont remplacés par un autre concept

Ça m'a l'air vraiment sympa comme système. Pas obliger de sacrifier sa classe pour y ajouter de la saveur. génial!
Ekiel est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation

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