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Vieux 2011-11-09, 14h13   #1
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
Avatar de MoonZar
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Se remonter le moral un peu...

Are you happy? Pursue what truly matters, true love, true happiness. Pursue your passion. Whatever it may be. Pursue your heart. You have no choice. Laugh. Smile. Cry. Love. Love. Love. Pursue ‘Yourself’, the one deep inside, the one dying to get out, the one looking to live life and enjoy every, single, solitary, second of it. Pursue the moment.

Have you had your moment today? Have you had a, a split second in time where you felt completely and utterly alive? Have you smiled? Have you been caught in an instant that seemed so perfect you never wanted it to end? Have your senses been engaged, desires anticipated, needs met? Have you had your moment today? Would you like to? Pursue the moment.

It’s not just how long you live, it’s how much. Try the squid. Eat some chocolate. Plant a tree. Start a journal. Dance the limbo. Bogey the road hole. Take the long way. Master a card trick. Say ‘Yes’ to the transfer. Scare yourself silly. Take a swim. Play hooky. Be curious. Learn a language. Hug your dad. Take the leap. Surprise yourself. Make the phone call. Admire the view. Be happy. Pursue the moment.

Moments are pearls. Your life is a string. Go. Run with the bulls. Swim with the dolphins. Hug a koala. Walk a tightrope. Meet your idol. Write a bestseller. Quit your job. Travel the world. Build a house. Sleep under the stars. Run a marathon. Get a tattoo. Make love on a beach. Sing on stage. Fight for peace. Fight for change. Learn to fly. Ride an elephant. Eat a mango. Fall in love. Follow your heart. Be happy. Pursue the moment.

Would anyone buy a ticket to the movie of your life? Pack it full of moments. Make it glorious. Make it epic. Make it funny and sad and tender and outrageous. Make it a blockbuster. Fill it with laughs and adventures and special effects of your own design. Be the hero, fight the bad guys, get the girl. Make it colorful and spectacular and dramatic. Make it unique. Give it plot twists and a back-story and total surround sound. You’re the director. You’re the star. You’ll get all the credit. Pursue the moment.

People get old, but life doesn’t. Life never loses its ability to amaze. Not when you’re interested. Not when you’re curious. Not when you’re enthusiastic and passionate and eager. Not when you fill your passport with stamps and dance at every opportunity. Not when you learn something new every day and laugh, laugh, laugh until it hurts. Not when both feet are firmly planted in the present and your greatest obsession is living. And not when you are really, truly alive. Pursue the moment.

A moment can save a day. A door held open, the smell of fresh cut grass, espresso with the sunrise, dog tricks, a good joke. Those moments of chance that fill a gap, that make you smile, wonder and feel the here, the now, the everything. A precious instant that’s uniquely yours. A moment made by you. For you. Savour it. Revel in it. Because nothing in the world is better at taking an ordinary day and turning it into something extraordinary. Go ahead. Pursue the moment.

You are the sum of your moments. Why shouldn’t you be happy and hopeful and funny and famous or anything else that you choose to be? Why shouldn’t you travel and laugh and smile and dream or fall deep, deep in love? Why shouldn’t you conquer your fears until there aren’t any left and leave all of your worries far, far behind? Why shouldn’t you have the life that you’ve always dreamt of, the one deep down inside? You should. Go get it. It’s yours. No regrets. Live life. Pursue the moment.

The moment won’t pursue you. They’re out there. Everywhere. In restaurants. And bedrooms. And forests. In castles and in grass huts and your brother’s house. You’ll find moments in places you’ve been to a thousand times. And in strange places you can’t even pronounce. They’re in your hometown and foreign land, on sidewalks and beaches and park benches. They’re out there, alright. Just waiting for you. Go find them. Pursue the moment.

A moment… if you please. Moments can be short. Moments can be long. There are moments of joy, moments of sorrow, moments of passion. Moments you'll never forget, moments you've already forgotten, moments you didn't get. There are awkward moments, senior moments, moments of truth and momentary lapses in judgment. People will ask for a moment, share a moment, “I need a moment”, “You got a moment?”, “Hey, wait a moment”. You can take a moment, make a moment, spoil a moment. And if all the stars align at just the right moment, that moment can be perfect. Moments can define you, moments can delight you, and moments can change your life. Here's to the moment in squeezing all you can out of every, last, single one of them. Pursue the moment.

- Writed by an unknown poet of La Prairie, several years ago.

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