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Vieux 2008-12-05, 14h34   #1
Dieu mineur
Avatar de Jaerofthelake
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: here
Messages: 8 724
Modern search vs Good old time search

Voici un petit extrait comparant le role play du search des regles de maintenant aux premieres editions des jeux de roles...

The Mysterious Moose Head (Modern Style)
John the Rogue: “We open the door. Anything in the room?”
GM: “No monsters. There’s a table, a chair, and a moose head hanging on the wall.”
John the Rogue: “I search the room. My search skill is +5. I roll a 19, so that’s a 24.”
GM: “Nice roll. You discover that the moose head slides to the side, and there’s a secret
panel behind it.”

The Mysterious Moose Head (Old Style)
John the Roguish: “We open the door. Anything in the room?”
GM: “No monsters. There’s a table, a chair, and a moose head hanging on the wall.”
John the Roguish: “We check the ceiling and the floor – we don’t step in yet. If there’s
nothing on the ceiling and the floor, we push down on the floor with the ten foot pole,
and then I step inside, cautiously.”
GM: “Nothing. You’re in the room.”
John the Roguish: “I search the room.”
GM: “What are you checking?”
John the Roguish: “I eyeball the table and chairs to see if there’s anything unusual, then I
run my hands over them to see if there’s anything weird.”
GM: “Nope.”
John the Roguish: “Are the moose’s eyes following me or anything?”
GM: “No.”
John the Roguish: “I check the moose head.”
GM: “How?”
John the Roguish: “I twist the horns, look in the mouth, see if it tips sideways …”
GM: “When you check to see if it tips sideways, it slides a little to the side.”
John the Roguish: “I slide it more.”
GM: “There’s a secret compartment behind it.”
Extrait de " A quick Primer for old school gaming "
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