2008-01-07, 17h48
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
4th Edition - Confirmation que le gnome a été écarté du PHB
Rich Baker comments on a few non-core races (thanks to Spectre666 for the scoop):Gnomes will likely get a "full" PC race writeup in 2009. We *might* have a little material in the FR Player's Guide, but I'm not sure about that--I'm not working on that book. In general, we're not going to provide a lot of support for marginal races in our printed product. We might be able to give them some more attention on D&D Insider. I wouldn't expect to see avariels or aquatic elves touched on in the FR Player's Guide. Sorry, no immediate plans on the saurials as PCs. They're really something different from the dragonborn.