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D&D - 4ième édition Dernière nouvelle et discussion sur la 4ième édition de D&D prévue pour mai 2008

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Vieux 2007-10-06, 00h28   #1
Avatar de Fitzz
Date d'inscription: juin 2005
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 97 464
D&D Insider - The Core Mechanic

Confirmé la nouvelle édition de d&d utiliser un systeme pas mal similaire a la saga edition de Star Wars

The Core Mechanic
by Matthew Sernett

Grab a d20. Roll high.

That’s the basic rule of 4th Edition just as it was in 3rd Edition, but the new edition puts that mechanic more solidly in the core of the game than ever.

Ever faced one of those life-or-death saving throws? Hours, weeks, or even years of play can hang in the balance. It all comes down to that one roll. There’s drama in that moment, but it’s drama you didn’t create, and you don’t want.

That’s gone in the new edition.

Have you played a spellcaster and been a little envious of the excitement of other players when they roll critical hits? Have you wished that you could do that for your spells?

You can in 4th.

Have you ever had some confusion or miscalculation about your normal AC versus your touch and flat-footed AC?

You won’t have to worry about it.

If you want to know whether or not you succeed in doing some action in 4th Edition, you grab a d20 and try to roll high. Just as in 3rd Edition, you add a modifier to that roll from your character sheet, and you check for any extra bonuses or penalties from the situation or from your allies. The key difference in the new edition is what you roll for and what you add.

The standard defenses remain (AC, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will) but now they all work more like AC. When a dragon breathes fire on you, it attacks your Reflex and deals half damage if it misses. The DM rolls a d20, adds the dragon’s modifiers, and asks you what your Reflex score is. The dragon might roll a 1 and automatically miss no matter how much tougher it is than you, but there’s also the frightening possibility that it will roll a 20 and deal double damage.

Folks familiar with the new Star Wars Saga system will recognize this concept, but it’s evolved a bit to better suit D&D. In 4th Edition, when a creature only needs to touch you to deliver an attack, it targets your Reflex. When you’re surprised, you grant combat advantage, but you don’t need to look at a special AC on your sheet -- the normal number works fine. When a pit suddenly opens up beneath your feet, you make a check to jump out of danger, but if a crossbow trap fires an arrow at you, it the bolt attacks your AC.

What we mean when we talk about streamlining the system is this: making design decisions that make learning and using the game less difficult, while keeping the system just as robust. And making it more fun as the result.
Administrateur du forum et Créateur des mondes de Belam, Galaxia et Zeos

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Fitzz, réveil!
Fitzz: (~_~ ) (-_-) (o_-) (-_o) (>_<) (o_O) (O_O)
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Vieux 2007-11-08, 15h12   #2
Avatar de Conteur
Date d'inscription: octobre 2007
Localisation: Dans ma tête
Messages: 4
Re : D&D Insider - The Core Mechanic

Je hais la Saga Édition mais ce n'est pas à cause de ces jets à sens uniques. Malgré tout, mes joueurs n'aiment pas voir leur perso réduits en cendre parce que mes dés sont cruels (et oui, je sais, je peux tricher! Je déteste aussi que les joueurs réduisent mon villain en cendre à cause d'un bon jet!)...
Tant que les Skills demeurent presque intacts...
Si vous cherchez un jeu de rôle pur Québec, regardez ici:

Les Conteurs ne sont ni cruels ni sadiques, ce sont seulement des artistes incompris.
Prétendre que le diable a des vices, ce serait avancer que le médecin qui vit de vos infirmités est malade...
-Frédéric Soulié
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Vieux 2007-11-08, 15h45   #3
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Re: Re : D&D Insider - The Core Mechanic

Par contre ça donne la flexibilité au dm de faire réussir un joueur incognito. Personnellement je trouve ça pathétique de mourrir sur un save or die quand tu joues ton personnage depuis plusieurs mois et même années.

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