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D&D - 4ième édition Dernière nouvelle et discussion sur la 4ième édition de D&D prévue pour mai 2008

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 09h01   #1
Avatar de Shadowhal
Date d'inscription: avril 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 7 424
4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

PC Roles
by Rob Heinsoo

The Design & Development article series premiered on the D&D website back in September 2005, and has been a staple ever since. With the approach of 4th Edition, and our designers and developers focused on the new edition, this column will be the primary vehicle for 4th Edition coverage. We’ll not only give you peeks at what’s forthcoming, but also the “how” and “why.”

Keep in mind that the game is still in a state of flux, as refinements are made by our design and development staff. You’re getting a look behind the curtain at game design in progress, so enjoy, and feel free to send your comments to

Let me tell you about my character, Nils, and how he contributed a few grace notes to 4th Edition’s concepts of character class roles.

Nils isn’t a 4th Edition character; he’s my old 3.5 character from Mark Jessup’s “Nine Chords” campaign. There are nine deities in Mark’s homebrew world, one deity each for the nine alignment slots. Each of the gods is a great bard whose personal pleasure and cosmic power flows from ritual bragging in front of the other gods about the kickass accomplishments of their worshippers. (Perhaps this arrangement will seem even more fitting when I mention that Mark is the director of marketing here at Wizards of the Coast…)

In a world like this, someone in the party has got to play a bard. But when the character class draft went down, everyone stepped back toward fighter or cleric or wizard or rogue, and nobody was willing to jump on the lute grenade. Mark was disappointed with us. I hate to see a disappointed DM, so I vowed to detour into bard-land just as soon as I was comfortable with Nils as a fighter.
Four greatsword-swinging levels of fighter later, Nils entered the path of lute-n-flute. My roleplaying opportunities increased because I was now the spokesman and PR agent for the PC group. But in encounters that focused on combat instead of roleplaying, Nils was forced into a mold pro basketball analysts call a “tweener,” too wimpy to play power forward alongside the ranger and the barbarians, and not capable of long-range shots like the wizard.

The PC group appreciated the singing bonuses Nils provided, and they appreciated his eventual haste spell, but supplying those bonuses meant that I spent at least two rounds at the start of combat making everyone else better without doing much of anything myself, except maybe moving around. Once I entered the combat, I survived by making judicious use of the Combat Expertise feat.

By the time the campaign slowed down to once or twice a year sessions, I’d played Nils for seven bard-only levels and obtained a much clearer perspective on the problems faced by D&D characters who don’t feel a clear niche. Fighters, rogues, clerics, and wizards all occupy pivotal places in a D&D PC group’s ecology, while the bard is singing from offstage reminding everyone not to forget the +1 or +2 bonuses they’re providing to attacks and saves against fear.

When Andy (Collins), James (Wyatt), and I put together the basic structure of 4th Edition, we started with the conviction that we would make sure every character class filled a crucial role in the player character group. When the bard enters the 4th Edition stage, she’ll have class features and powers that help her fill what we call the Leader role. As a character whose songs help allies fight better and recover hit points, the bard is most likely to fit into a player character group that doesn’t have a cleric, the quintessential divine leader.

Unlike their 3e counterparts, every Leader class in the new edition is designed to provide their ally-benefits and healing powers without having to use so many of their own actions in the group-caretaker mode. A cleric who wants to spend all their actions selflessly will eventually be able to accomplish that, but a cleric who wants to mix it up in melee or fight from the back rank with holy words and holy symbol attacks won’t constantly be forced to put aside their damage-dealing intentions. A certain amount of healing flows from the Leader classes even when they opt to focus on slaying their enemies directly.

Does every group need a Leader class? Not necessarily. Is it worth having more than one Leader in a party? Maybe.

We settled on crucial roles rather than on necessary roles. 4th Edition has mechanics that allow groups that want to function without a Leader, or without a member of the other three roles, to persevere. Adventuring is usually easier if the group includes a Leader, a Defender, a Striker, and a Controller, but none of the four roles is absolutely essential. Groups that double or triple up on one role while leaving other roles empty are going to face different challenges. They’ll also have different strengths. That’s the type of experiment you’ll be running in eight months. Before then, we’ll have more to say about the other roles.

One last thing before I go, since I started this note off by talking about Nils. This time, let me say a few things to Nils directly: “Nils, it’s been fun playing you. But I’ll see you again in a future incarnation, and this time around when Al-Faregh the wizard and Jum the barbarian are chopping up beholders, you’re going to be fighting on the same playing field instead of handing out Gatorade cups and singing the national anthem.”

About the Author
Rob Heinsoo was born in the Year of the Dragon. He started playing D&D in 1974 with the original brown box. More recently, he designed Three-Dragon Ante, Inn-Fighting, and a couple incarnations of the D&D Miniatures skirmish system. He’s the lead designer of 4th Edition and captains the D&D mechanical design team.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
They're holding Petty Officer Dobbs' body for you at the Dover morgue.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: I don't get it, I thought he died in combat.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I need you to take a look, Ducky.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: What do you expect me to find?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Nothing. I just need to buy more time.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: Oh, Jethro, I can spend forever finding nothing.

"Once you go cat, you never go back!" - Iuk Rhoma
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Vieux 2007-08-31, 09h20   #2
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Re: 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Très cool comme article !

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 09h57   #3
Avatar de Shadowhal
Date d'inscription: avril 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 7 424
Re : Re: 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Chu daccord!!! L'idée d'avoir des bards qui agissent comme "leaders" est SUPER logique!

Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
They're holding Petty Officer Dobbs' body for you at the Dover morgue.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: I don't get it, I thought he died in combat.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I need you to take a look, Ducky.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: What do you expect me to find?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Nothing. I just need to buy more time.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: Oh, Jethro, I can spend forever finding nothing.

"Once you go cat, you never go back!" - Iuk Rhoma
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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h03   #4
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Re: Re : Re: 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Je suis surtout d'accord avec le fait que certaine classe sont p-e trop des roles de soutien qui son en background et qui sont plus ou moins intéressant à jouer. Tant mieux si le barde trouve une meilleur place.

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h07   #5
Avatar de Shadowhal
Date d'inscription: avril 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 7 424
Re : Re: Re : Re: 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Yep! On voudrait tous jouer des bardes mais c'est dur de ne pas se pogner le beige de temps à autre en le jouant!

Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
They're holding Petty Officer Dobbs' body for you at the Dover morgue.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: I don't get it, I thought he died in combat.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I need you to take a look, Ducky.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: What do you expect me to find?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Nothing. I just need to buy more time.
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard: Oh, Jethro, I can spend forever finding nothing.

"Once you go cat, you never go back!" - Iuk Rhoma
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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h17   #6
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Ouais parle en à Gérald he he he

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h19   #7
Avatar de Aristiana
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Re : 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Moi j'ai jamais trouver ce personnage ennuyant mais faut dire que la "tapoche" a jamais été mon fort... En fait j'ai toujours trouver les fighter ennuyant! Une fois que ta taper sur le méchant, le fighter se retire pendant que les autres découvre, fouille, marchande, espionne... C'est plate.
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!!

©º« Clo. »º©º«

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h27   #8
Créateur de Moonzar et AE
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 42 747
Re: Re : 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Salut Clo,

Ça dépend du genre de groupe avec le quel tu joues. Quand tu as un fighter avec toi qui utilise power attack avec une arme a deux main et qui fait genre 50 pts de dégat par round en moyenne et que le dm est oubligé d'envoyer une horde de monstre pour faire du challenge dans le combat le barde commence à s'ennuyer de sa mère...

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 10h33   #9
Avatar de Aristiana
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Re : 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Je dis pas le contraire! En combat, ça peut être franchement ennuyant, j'ai déjà regarder le plafond pendant une joute en attendant que les autres finissent. Mais si j'aurai à choisir entre les deux, le coté roleplay m'intéresse plus que le coté combatif, donc pour moi ce n'est pas une classe ennuyante. C'est sur que s'il est encore plus intéressant je dirai pas non
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!!

©º« Clo. »º©º«

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Vieux 2007-08-31, 11h14   #10
Avatar de NightWatcher
Date d'inscription: juillet 2007
Localisation: Montreal
Messages: 2 486
Re : 4th Edition - Le rôle des leaders

Avec le bard tu peux faire full truc dans un combat! Genre encourager ou meme Charmer des monstres pour attacker d'autres monstres ce qui fait que les guerriers recoive moins de blessure donc moins de cure. Le barde est la classe la plus polyvalente de D&D 3.5 avec le druide aussi
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