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Vieux 2003-03-24, 13h56   #1
Avatar de Aristiana
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590

Moi qui en arrache encore un peu avec les alignements et tous, j'ai trouvé ceci sur un site. J'aimerai avoir votre opinion...

(Et je pense que le LN a une ligne qui ne lui va pas dutout)

Lawful Good
1. Always keeps his word.
2. Never lies.
3. Never attack, harm or kill an innocent foe.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Never torture for any reason. Will not allow torture.
6. Always helps others.
7. Always work within the law.
8. Respects honor, self-discipline, authority and law.
9. Works well within a group.
10. Never take 'dirty money' or items.
11. Never betray a friend. Ever. For ANY reason.

Neutral Good
1. Always keeps his word.
2. Is VERY unlikely to lie, expept perhaps to an evil person.
3. Never attack or kill an unarmed foe.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Never tortures for any reason. Is very unlikely to allow torture for any
6. Never kill for pleasure.
7. Always tries to help others.
8. Works well in groups.
9. Never take dirty money or items.
10. Never betray a friend.

Chaotic Good
1. Keeps his word to any other good person.
2. Lies only to neutral or evil people.
3. Never attack or kill an unarmed foe.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Never torture for pleasure or information. Threats may be permissible.
6. Never kill for pleasure.
7. Always tries to help others.
8. Distrusts authority.
9. Works well in groups, but dislikes confining rules and 'red tape'.
10. Never take dirty money or items.
11. Never betray a friend.

Lawful Neutral
1. Keep his word of honor.
2. Lie and cheat only if very necessary.
3. Never attack or harm an unarmed foe.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Does not use torture unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. (Never for pleasure)
6. Never kill for pleasure.
7. Usually helps those in need.
8. Works in groups well, especially if it suits his needs.
9. Will quite possibly take dirty money.
10. Never betrays a friend.
11. Has a high reguard for life and personal freedom.

Chaotic Neutral
1. May keep his word.
2. Lies and cheats if he feels it necessary.
3. Never kill an unarmed foe, but may knock out or beat up one.
4. Never kill an innocent but may harm or kidnap.
5. Will use torture to extract information but not for pleasure.
6. Seldom kills for pleasure.
7. Is not likely to help someone without an alterior motive. (Even if its just
showing off!).
8. Has little respect for authority.
9. Does not work well within groups - tends to do as he pleases, despite orders
to the contrary.
10. Will usually take dirty money or items.
11. Is very unlikely to betray a friend.

Lawful Evil
1. Always keeps his word of honor.
2. Lies and cheats those not worthy of his respect.
3. May or may not kill an unarmed foe.
4. Never kill an innocent but will harm, harass or kidnap.
5. Never torture for pleasure but will to extract information.
6. Never kills for pleasure - always has a reason.
7. May or may not help someone in need.
8. Respects honor and self-discipline. Has no time for the law.
9. Will work with others to attain his goals.
10. May take dirty money.
11. Never betray a friend.

Neutral Evil
1. Will not necessarily keep his word to anyone.
2. Lies and cheats indiscriminately.
3. Will happily kill an unarmed foe.
4. Will harm and use an innocent, killing if necessary.
5. Uses torture to extract information. (And enjoys it! May torture for
6. May kill for sheer pleasure.
7. Feels no compulsion to help others without some sort of tangible reward.
8. Works with others if it will help achieve his personal goals.
9. Will take dirty money etc without hesitation.
10. Will betray a friend if it serves his needs.
11. Has little respect for others' lives.

Chaotic Evil
1. Rarely keeps his word. Has no honor.
2. Lie and cheat anyone.
3. Most certainly attack and kill an unarmed foe (those are the best kind!).
4. Will hurt and/or kill an innocent without a second thought. (Or for
5. Uses torture to extract information and pleasure.
6. Will kill for sheer pleasure.
7. Is likely to help someone only on a whim.
8. Despises honor and authority and self-discipline. Views them as weaknesses.
9. Does not work well in a group. Constantly vying for power and/or command.
10. Will always take dirty money etc.
11. Will betray a friend. After all, you can always get another friend.
12. Associates mostly with other evil alignments.


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