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Vieux 2012-07-24, 16h18   #7
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Re : Legend of the Five Rings 4e édition

Envoyé par Roncorps Voir le message
La 3e c'est celle qui est moitié L5R - moitié D20 ?
C'est la 2e édition qui est à moitié D20 et D10

For the entirety of its Second Edition, with the exception of the Player's Guide, Game Master's Guide, Way of the Shadowlands, Winter Court: Kyuden Asako, and Time of the Void, books published for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game had two different sets of game mechanics: the mechanics from the Legend of the Five Rings Second Edition Player's Guide and corresponding mechanics for d20 System, such as those presented in Oriental Adventures. Beginning with the Third Edition of the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, and because of the lack of availability of the now out of print Oriental Adventures, the d20 System rules have been dropped from current Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game books.

Dernière modification par Zorglub ; 2012-07-24 à 16h28.
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